Gabriella Benedek
Trustee, Development & Consultancy
My name is Gabriella Benedek, I am an expert in social development. I was introduced to the concept of community foundations in 2009, and I believe that these independent, community-led institutions supporting local initiatives from local resources fill a huge gap in Hungary. I have been a member of the Community Foundation Support Programme and the Roots and Wings Foundation team since the very beginning, as a staff member and as a member of the Board of Trustees.
In addition, I work with municipal and small communities, community leaders, citizens’ groups and NGOs in various forms and roles, such as consultancy, evaluation and development, training, community conflict management and research. I am associated with the Hungarian Association of Community Development as a member, office holder, and member of the supervisory board.
The foundations of my professional approach and practice include solidarity, community and participation as core values, as well as respect for change and acceptance of its unpredictability. In my work, I seek opportunities for useful yet joyful action and co-creation, I strive for the balance of dreaming and action, both in my work, in my private life and nature.