We provided €29,000 in grants to ensure the fairness of elections
We believe that the fairness of elections is of utmost importance – this is why we organised a special fundraising event and a campaign, targeting mainly supporters abroad. The results: we provided 10.4 million forints in grants to four NGOs working to ensure fair and lawful elections.
During the Live Giving Plus event and the preceding campaign, hundreds of people from abound 15 countries donated a total of HUF 10.4 million (€29,000) to NGOs working to ensure the fairness of Hungarian elections. The Civil College Foundation raised 2 464 059 forints, the School of Public Life HUF 1 720 812, the Let’s Count Together Movement 2 626 183, and Print Yourself! 3 562 233 forints to continue their activities and accomplish their goals.
The Let’s Count Together! movement works to ensure that on election day an independent election observer will be present in each and every precinct. Print Yourself! distributes its own weekly newspaper in small communities where people have access to the government-controlled media only. The Civil College Foundation’s community organisers are working to discourage vote-buying in the poorest regions, while the School of Public Life will provide free training for NGOs on how to use the parliamentary election and campaign to promote their cause.
“Our foundation is working on the development of civil society and building communities; we need democracy to work, and people who work for the community need to be respected and recognised, not stigmatised,” said Tamás Scsaurszki, chairman of the board of trustees, explaining the reason for the unusual fundraising campaign.